
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Never could say good-bye

First United Methodist Church, The Dalles, OR
This month's newsletter article...
Last April I received an email that told me I would be serving my internship in this unknown land “The Dalles”. As Micaela and I poured over the atlas, feelings of newness, nerves and the unknown immediately hit as I prepared to move across the country with my daughter and try out my new ministry legs. In a short eleven months I have come to know this once unknown land “The Dalles”. And now I do not simply know -- I have come to love this land, the people and the spirit of God that is so rich here. My internship is near its ending, and as sure as the change of the seasons, I am hit with feelings of newness, nerves and the unknown and am again preparing to move to an unknown place with my daughter and try out these ministry legs – they are not so new anymore, they are not so wobbly…and that is because of all of you.

People of First United Methodist Church, young and old, you are remarkable teachers. Thank you for trusting me, for supporting me, thank you for making room for this green intern and her daughter in your church family. The work we have done in the church this year has not been easy – yet, so many of you have come on board (with a giant leap of faith!) to discover the will of God and the call of this church. We have become stronger disciples together and for your willingness to be so daring and open I say a humble and awe-filled “thank you.” This year has been so full of learning and growing and love that I find myself at a loss for words.

I would like to thank the Methodist members of the internship committee... The internship committee has been a great support, offering faithful feedback and lots of encouragement along the way. Also, thank you to Pastor Chris for hours of reflection and for stepping back to allow abundant opportunities to teach, preach, preside and observe and for helping me grow into the identity of Pastor.

I leave you with these words written by Paul to his beloved church in Corinth, they speak the desires of my heart as I leave, hoping these words will be true for you as children of God and as the body of Christ in this land “The Dalles”.

“I give THANKS to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind...God will also strengthen you to the end and is FAITHFUL, by God you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:4-9)

For all that has been – thank you. For all that will be – yes!

God's peace to you all, Intern-Pastor Elizabeth & Micaela

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