
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama said there'd be days like this

Mother's day. I will probably never experience a mother's day like I always envisioned I would – breakfast in bed, mimosas, pedicures and flowers (in fact, I don't know ANY mothers that are experiencing that today). Instead the Princess insisted on “making” me breakfast (because enough adults told her she had to) so we set up the coffee pot and toaster last night and this morning she very proudly poured the coffee and toasted a waffle. Best breakfast ever.

The life I've been given has taught me that motherhood comes in all shapes and sizes and I really have been blessed by women (and men) who have stepped into my life and now who have stepped into Micaela's to fill in the gaps or provide their own unique flavor. I've always celebrated Mother's day a little differently and probably always will, so this is my non-traditional mother's day tribute.

My mother raised me for nearly ten years, and then other amazing people were willing to do those motherly-duties, such as...

...the home-ec teacher who walked around the mall with a mortified pre-teen, helping me find my first bra. It was a truly embarrassing, yet educational afternoon.

...the dear family friend who bent over the bathroom sink (twice!) and treated my head for lice. My poor father was so busy ridding the house of the pest that we really struggled to get it out of my abundance of hair.

...the piano teacher who biked all the way across town just to stay with me when I was home sick.  And gave me extra hugs after every lesson.

...the aunt who mothered from afar, and even had her Minnesota friends take me to lunch when the opportunity arose, just to talk about “girl things”.

...the lady who spent afternoons teaching me how to make Christmas cookies and properly wrap Christmas gifts.

...the friend's mom who offered compassion and an always, always open door as I struggled as an adolescent.  I think I spent more night's in her home than my own throughout elementary and middle school and it still feels like "home" every time I go back.

...the brother who ran to the store and proudly bought girl-products as needed.

...the brother who always offered a shoulder after a break-up.

...the dad who made hot-chocolate after a failed audition, became a really excellent cook (after one horrible incident with chicken and a can of orange soda) and while he did not enjoy shopping with me, he at least offered some cash and a good friend to take me school shopping every year.  

...the young moms now gone. I now know that a mother's love is so strong it transcends time, even a short while can leave a lasting imprint.


  1. This is great. :) I like checking in on this--you have interesting things to read and they are always honest and open. It is nice!!

    Love you!
