
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Blessings

It begins today. My baby will begin her academic career, the same year I am (finally) ending mine. Supplies have been bought, outfit has been picked out, teacher has been introduced, school has been toured. Even with some nerves I think we can say, "We are ready!"

On Sunday our visiting preacher preached on Matthew 5: 14 “You are the light of the world...”

So, for the children's time I asked the 12 children in worship to look around the worship space and name all the sources of light that they could find. After the more obvious places had been picked out, I pointed out the “lights” that were sitting in the pews and the light that is inside each of them! The people are the light of Christ to the world! Then all of those “lights” extended a hand of blessing and I spoke this prayer over the students:

God of light, as your children begin to do the very important work of being students, bless them with:
eagerness to learn, that their world may grow large;
respect for teachers and students, that they may form healthy relationships;
happiness when learning is easy and stick-to-it-iveness when it is hard;
faith in Jesus as their best teacher and closest friend.
Help them to remember these lights that shine on them on, and to trust that your light is within them to guide and help whenever they feel afraid. We ask that you would protect them. Watch over them and keep them safe. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

It was very powerful to see the hands of the adults blessing the children 
(no, I didn't make it through without tears)! 

 May you be LIGHT in all the places and to all the people God has called you to. 


  1. WE LOVE YOU MICAELA!!!! Congratulations on being a student! We are proud of you and send up big prayers for you and your classmates (and your teacher too). ;)
    Enjoy each and every minute. You're gonna knock their socks off! xoxo

    love you (and your mama too),
    Robin and Rich

  2. Well, I couldn't read this without tears :*)
    Micaela, I love your 1st day of school picture! You have grown up so much since that baby picture above~~That seems like only yesterday. We are so proud of you and can't wait to hear stories about school and the new friends you make. It's all so exciting! And like Robin said, "You're gonna knock their socks off!" We know you will :)
    Thank you both for lighting up our world. We love you so much!
    xoxoxoxoxoxox Grandma Andrea and Grandpa Greg
